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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
My app is running on SQL Server 2016 and PB 12.5. AutoCommit is set to False. I want to run a stored procedure that does some updates so I need to do a commit after. I also want any updates that were pending before the stored procedure was called ...
Was trying to wind my way through the Elevate 2017 videos, which are excellent by the way. All was good 2 days ago. Now all of the video windows say "Sorry, Because of it's privacy settings, this video cannot be played here".  I'm logged i...
Hello All, I have a customer that for security reasons have no internet connection for the internal network. they are using PB 11.5 and they like to migrate to PB2017 the question is about the licencing method, they will not be able to login...
Hi, I am working with a client that is STILL using PB6.5. This is connecting to Sybase 15.7 using the 11.x drivers. The user ID and password are visible using network sniffer and has been raised as an issue.  Is there a way to use password e...
Hi, i'm testing 64bit compiled exe with PB2017. An error occurred (function return -1) while trying writing registry entries using RegistrySet. There are no problems with 32bit compiled version. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot Luc...
I am having  a number of problems with sheets opened as documents using OpenSheetAsDocument() function. 1) CTRL + TAB does not shift between open sheets. 2) when a sheet is selected by clicking the tab, no shortcut keys are working until you cl...
Just started getting this error during deployment: Failed to initialize ESQLMgr Appeon toolkit and server 2016 BUILD 1119   Nothing in help or the web to make sense of what the problem is.  Had been working fine, but this is the first ...
Hi comunity   I'm converting to pb17 a program written in PB3.0a. Does anyone have a copy of PB3.0 (for collection purpose) or at least a copy of the framework deployed with that release?  These are 3 libraries: utilwin.pbl, sys.pbl...
I updated an application from PowerBuilder v7 to PowerBuilder 2017. There is a statement in a function in a Windows object in one of the PBLs.     ls_jobno = dw_compproclist.object.jobno[ll_tcur] It moves information from a column in a datawindow ...
Wondering if anyone else has noticed or encountered  a strange behavior with 'ProfileString' in PB2017 with running in/on Citrix? The same code running on a Windows 7 PC (both 32 and 64 Bit PC's) using the 'ProfileString' comma...
When calling a webservice, it returns the following message: --------------------------- Web Service Error --------------------------- Operation: Retrieve Buffer: Primary Method: getDatosPrincipales Error message: The client foun...
Is it possible to get a menuitem when I have the name in a variable? I want to disable/enable certain menus based on which modules the user has access to. All the menunames is stored in a table with the corresponding module number, and I'm ...
Good Evening,   I'm asking for your help because my PowerBuilder 12.6 Can't detect .Net the Framework 4.6.1 SDK , so I can't create a WebService Proxy, PowerBuilder responds with "Windows SDK for .Net Framework 4.0 or Higher was not...
I am trying to retrieve 98k rows in free form dw control. The dw is being shared with a grid dw.  It takes around 40 seconds to retrieve the data. Once the data has  been retrieved. When i click on the grid dw, we are doing selectrow(0, false) and s...
Hi, In PB11 i have created a COM project to communicate with a .Net application. Now it's not possible with PB2017 to create a COM project. Otherwise .Net assembly. someone had an alternative to COM project with PB2017? ty ...
The server 2017 install is much much smaller than prior versions.  I assume this is because the deployment components (toolkit) are no longer part of the install? It appears that you can only deploy to a 2017 server from PB2017?  This is because t...
I am upgrading my application from PowerBuilder v7 to PowerBuilder 2017.  The PBLs are in the new version and the application compiles/deploys successfully.  I should mention that I get a message at the end of the compiling that says "Invalid Executa...
One of my customers is having trouble with source control object status using PB 12.5 and PB 2017. Some but not all objects show as out of date when they have not been changed by any user. The version number shown in the library painter is '1&...
Alguien sabe de una herramienta que mejore las interfaz de usuarios, y los reportes para una aplicacion en power builder 12.5 y que sea soportada por appeon ...
I migrated my application from PowerBuilder version 7 to PowerBuilder 2017.  I am now trying to compile and deploy the application.  I click on Deploy and it goes through its rebuild steps.  At the end, after all the "Writes", it says"Deploying pr...

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