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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi,   I've got a problem with the codepage of PBAutoBuild output in my console. I've additional chars as in following screenshot:  How can I change the codepage of PBAutoBuild tool? I haven't got any problem with ex. dotnet compile. Regards Pa...
I have a list dw. On the retrieveend event or the row focuschanged event, I retrieve a detail dw based on the list values. However, when I sort the list dw, I want to retrieve the detail dw after the sort - because a different list row is highlighted...
Dear PowerBuilders, I am trying to deploy my PowerBuilder 2022 R2 cloud IIS application on a remote server, and I am getting a "Session creation failed" error on the very last step (see 1st attached screenshot). Let me describe all my previous step...
Hi, I would use Powerbuilder TriggerEvent method to call events defined in PowerScript  (link: https://docs.appeon.com/pb2022r3/powerscript_reference/TriggerEvent_.NET_Method_func.html). During the call .NET function, I returned result -52   -- The ...
While opening Other application which is connected to Infomaker - attached window 'DB trace' will appear - can we know how to get rid of this window. ...
  Hello,   We need your help.   We have a problem passing data between pb2022 and an external function in a dll. All this in 64bits. This function works in PB2019 also in 64bits.   But with PB2022 this is what happens:   The extran fu...
Hello Support Team,   We are from huntsman Global IT, and we have an application called “Info maker 2017 ” which is installed in one of the user system (@Mark Adkins) but not working from many days.   So we need your assistance to upgrade the inf...
We have windows based application developed on PowerBuilder 2017 and which connects to SQL server 2014. Recently, server protocol upgraded to tls 1.2. From then, application can not connect to database server and it throws SSL hand shake failed error...
Hi All I have report that retrieves data from  a table and put in tabular form each row has a pdf files linked with it (I save path of pdf files for each row in other table "the path of each files related to each record does not appears in the repo...
Good day to you! I am trying to extract the file contents from a blob saved to the database using an OLE object in PB12.6. The blob seems to save to the database as .CFB files. I see this when using PL/SQL dbms_lob.substr(document,2000,1) the value ...
Hi, I have a few years of experience with PostgreSQL. I tried to retrieve data from Postres table with array-type columns. I created a simple test table in Postgres with array columns as in the below image: After link this table to Datawindow in ...
Hello All, I have a question concerning deployment of the client application that connects to PowerServer. Lets say we have 100 virtual machines that need to use the PowerServer application. I know that each user can visit the landing page and run ...
Hi, The image file with color depth 32 bit inside Data Window is displayed totally incorrectly. (Appeon registered this issue for future enhancement) So does anyone know any command line tool/method that can convert image (without loosing color appe...
Hi Appeon,   Will PowerBuilder have the ability to interact directly with Copilot+ or other AI services ?   Thanks Steen   ps. Please add an "AI"  TAG to the tags list in this community....
hi all, Tried look for XML Canonicalization and only solution is via C# DLL Import. However, when successful created the DLL and import into PB2022R2, the function hanged when calling the of_canonicalizexml function. Need advise what wrong with it. ...
Hi team,   We have a successful running powerclient application and need an advise for the  below scenario  We need to configure or install our powerclient application in two different folder in the same machine. Please let us know if there any so...
We have some PSR files in which there are some vertical texts, those text are getting shifted from there place (example in below image), When we are pasting pb.ini file which contains "[PB] PBESCAPEMENTMODE=1" in the installation folder, those issue ...
Hi, We have some problems with PBAUTOBUILD220.EXE. The fisrt one is about a very simple build with an executable associated with a resource file : and several librairies. When we build the project with PBAUTOBUILD220.EXE, the library below (in y...
Hi all, My customer reported an issue today with merging dw's and pdf's.  In the main window, he opens a salesorder with 100 workorders, then selects the Merge Each radio button and clicks Merge on the toolbar.  The merge function loops through each...
Hi,   I have written this condition for Model [DwFilter("UPPER(lastname) = 'ASHLEY'")] but it doesn't return the specified criteria data.   Secondly, I am facing an issue with the DwCompute() attribute which always returns a NULL value. Please he...

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