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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I am preparing for a Powerbuilder upgrade from 8.0 to 2019. I will be moving embedded sql to stored procedures and db functions. Is the sql in datawindows considered embedded sql and is it a good practice to move it to stored procedures and have the ...
Hi all, my JAWS saga continues.    1) I can't get JAWS to recognize dddws in a datawindow.  I've tried playing with the accessible options on the other tab with no success.  Is there a secret to using dddws, or is the secret to not use them? 2) I'...
Hi all,   I have a Userobject which contains several objects including, datawindow, userobjects tab etc. and I would like to capture a function key (regardless of the object I am positioned on within the main userobject) to throw an event. If I use...
Hi I'm using PowerScript Dynamic DataStore like this: //----------------------------------------------PowerBuilder Example ------------------------------------------ long ll_row, ll_rowCountString ls_sqlString ls_Syntax, ls_error, ls_clienteDataSt...
I'm exporting data from a Datawindow and saving it in excel. The following is the code that does that.   value = GetFileSaveName("Save Report as", & docname, named, "xls", &" Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls") IF value = 1 THEN dw_1.Saveas(docN...
We are having trouble using the DwNet.Data and SnapObjects.Data and having trouble with Mapping.Method, when using the PowerBuilder RestClient.Submit.  The Mapping.Method is set to 0 and this is causing problems with the processing of the json.  Look...
In a SnapDevelop API solution I am working on, I have the following in my startup.cs that handles the database connection:   services.AddDataContext(m => m.UseOdbc(Configuration["ConnectionStrings:temp"]));   The DSN 'temp' is in my appsetting...
Hi....We have several applications that use PowerBuilder.  One application stores all PDFs in an Oracle database.  We are being asked by the DB unit to find a new place to store the PDFs because they are taking up quite a bit of space.   Someone in ...
{KomentoDisable}xxss Buenas tardes,  alguien que me ayude, indicándome porque al convertir el datawindow en snapdevelop me esta dando este error: ...
We have signature capture working in previous 32bit versions of Powerbuilder and when I debug the signature capture window in PB2019 it still works. . But when I build the 64bit app to be deployed, the call to the OCX fails. What do I need to fix t...
Not sure how to make this work....
We're trying to migrate an application forward to PowerBuilder 2019R2 that uses the .Net WSDL engine. It deploys, everything seems to work perfectly on workstations with PowerBuilder 12.6 installed. When using Procmon and watching the application run...
The application freezes when opened the first time and after force closing, it works without any issues on the same module.  From the Windows Log, got the below error message Faulting module name: PBSHR190.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5...
To support Rest basic authentication, string has to be encoded in base-64. In Javascript there is btoa() method. I cannot find corresponding method in PB2017 R2. Please advise. Thanks, Yuri   ...
Hola buenos días.   Alguien me podría ayudar con los pasos necesarios para implementar un servicio web en el servidor appeon web, si tienen alguna guía efectiva les agradecería mucho.    ...
Hi, everyone. Many of our customers are requiring the implementation of such security protocols as HSTS, X-Frame-Options, etc., in our Appeon Web applications. How does PowerServer manage these elements?...
Hi, Has anyone been able to debug an DLL Imported .net Assembly using SnapDevelop with the pb2019 r3 - Beta version? I cannot set any stops and can't attach any process, since it doesn't show any process to attach to. Not really a problem, I can u...
Hi   Message edited on 2020-09-23 after further findings    I'm having trouble compilating one of our applications with Orca where it work great for the others. I built a powershell script call the appropriate programs and copy files around. It...
Greetings, What email method is everyone using? We've been using pbnismtp, and are having problems when upgrading to PB2017.  (32 bit running on Citrix) We're currently trying the PB mailsession method, but there are a couple of thin...
What will happen when the next major version comes out? Will PB190.EXE only work with 2019 builds? Will there be a PB210.EXE for PB 2021 (assuming that is the next major)?  ...

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