1. Fernando Leal
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 19:59 PM UTC

Write a file in Appenon 2019.
I am generating a file and the same one from the application generates 290 rows but when I execute the function outside the normal system circuit it generates 540 rows.
I can't find the reason why this function in a way generates certain information.
The parameters and the information to be generated in it on both sides where it is executed.


string ls_texto
ls_texto = strHeader + C_FL + strImage

uo_archivo iarc_convert
boolean ib_audit_registrar = true
string is_audit_archivo_camino = 'C:\Sistema\Produc\Imagen\Etiqueta\PCX'
string is_audit_archivo_nom = as_etiq //'Etiq2'
string is_audit_archivo_extension = 'grf'
string is_audit_archivo_col_sep = ' - '

iarc_convert = create uo_archivo
iarc_convert.is_archivo_camino = is_audit_archivo_camino
iarc_convert.is_archivo_extension = is_audit_archivo_extension

if iarc_convert.abrir_escritura(as_etiq, 1) < 0 then // Agregar filas al final
return -1
end if




if IsValid(iarc_convert) then
destroy iarc_convert
end if

Accepted Answer
Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 20:25 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi Fernando;

   The actual file processing code seems to be located in the "uo_archivo" object class. You will have to study the PowerScript code in there for how the actual FileWriteEx() command is being used.

Regards ... Chris

  1. Fernando Leal
  2. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 20:33 PM UTC
Hi Chris, yes is the same function.

if FileWriteEx (il_archivo_manejador, as_texto) <= 0 then

error_mostrar ('Se Produjo un Error de Escritura en el Archivo ' + is_archivo_nom)

return -1

end if

return 0

En the botton I called the function

String ls_imagen

String ls_etiq

ls_imagen = "C:\Sistema\Produc\Imagen\Etiqueta\2_Alim_America.bmp"

ls_etiq = 'Etiq2'


In the windows process in the system

ls_imagen_directorio = trim(is_etiqueta_imagen_directorio+ '\'+ls_etiqueta_producto_imagen)

uf_bmp_to_grf(ls_imagen_directorio,'etiq2' )

thanks and regards,


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Fernando Leal Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 20:17 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

The files it generates contain 27 kb and when I run the function outside the system it generates 44kb files.

  1. Fernando Leal
  2. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 20:52 PM UTC
I found the problem I was using the same image for the 3 conversion processes and the image changes in each one. This was my mistake.

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  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 21:13 PM UTC
I am super glad that you found your file size issue Fernando .. thanks for letting us know! :-)
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