migrated from PB2019R2 to R3 (with theme PB)
we noticed that Windows are visible before open event ends, it doesn't seem to be the case in previous versions.
So we see, the resize, the centering of the window
More annoying, in reports where there are setitem, insert, rowscopy, compute are reevaluated -> so we have performance issue since the window is visible.
So we had to play with window.visible and dw.setredraw() in the open event.
Is this a normal behaviour ?
Still the same in PB2021 ?
best regards
How fast the window is redrawn and actually becomes viewable by the use depends on the code in the background; if you have a lot of pre-ready-for-the-user-to-interact-with-the-window code, then it's quite possible that the window will be fullt redrawn before the OPEN script(s) have completed.