I want to start playing with UI Themes. I just upgraded to Powerbuilder 2022. In the Themes tab, of the additional properties of the application it states the themes are in the following folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Shared\PowerBuilder\theme190
But the C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Shared folder does not exist. Any ideas?
Please note, however. The four supplied themes are just examples. You are encouraged to use any of these supplied themes as a starting point to create your own customized theme under a different name. However, should you go that route, your users may not consider your thematic choices to be aesthetically pleasing, just as you are not impressed with the supplied sample themes. As Chris is fond of saying... food for thought.
Don't know why these settings could be merged with the regular [dw] properties window? It could be lot easier to edit all possible properties at one place, instead of moving around two different places.