1. Tom Peters
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 14:44 PM UTC

Good Day!

I have customers asking about potential web deployment of my application. I have gone through the documentation, but I cannot find a straightforward explanation of exactly what my customers would need to have installed for them to run PowerServer on-premises. Add to that, I am assuming I do not need access to their PowerServer to deploy my application to them.

So, two questions (with one sub-question):

  • 3rd Parties aside (IIS and such), for my clients to run my application within their firewall (on-premises), do they only need to purchase the appropriate amount of seats and install their own PowerServer? 
  • Can the toolkit package my compiled PowerServer Web application so that I can deliver it to them and then they install/deploy the compiled web application to their PowerServer?
    • Do I need access to their PowerServer to deploy my application? I doubt it, but I need to ask.

Again, thanks for your time. I am going through Appeon-U and the installation documents, but I need to get back to my business people sooner rather than later.



Accepted Answer
mike S Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 15:15 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. # Permalink

-  only purchase the appropriate amount of seats and install their own PowerServer


- toolkit can package my compiled PowerServer Web


- need access to deploy

  no, send it someone there to run the setup/install to update the deployment


You should ask for access because you or someone will need to setup PS initially, any updates after than can be sent to them as an install


  1. Tom Peters
  2. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 15:34 PM UTC
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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 16:30 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Tom;

      What Mike said is essentially true - however ...

     You have to remember that the PS Web product license that your customer(s) obtain will be a perpetual one. So most likely, their PS version will be fixed. However, when you upgrade to PB2018 in December (hypothetically), you will install PowerServer 2018 included with that PB Universal release. So now your customer(s) may be on PS 2017 but your developing on PS 2018. So App's that you package from PB/PS 2018 may not be compatible (depending on the features your Apps use) with PS 2017.

     The other option you also have is to OEM PS with your PB Apps. You can talk to the Appeon Sales team or even Armeen Mazda about how to OEM this and what the pricing model might look like. This may be more advantageous to you as time goes on as you could package newer PS Web App releases with the corresponding PS version that you are building and testing upon.

     If you do go with the customer(s) buying their own PS version for production use. It might be a good idea to also install a PB Universal IDE copy on their premises as well so that you can do some production troubleshooting, deployment "tweaking", etc.  Just a "food for thought" on that aspect.


Regards ... Chris


  1. Tom Peters
  2. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 16:46 PM UTC
Hi Chris - This is valuable food for thought. Thanks!!!
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  1. mike S
  2. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 17:33 PM UTC
keep in mind too that the PB deployment generation is setup to be backwards compatible so you don't need to exactly match versions. They used to have a seperate toolset that had to match with the PS version, but that went away with PB 2017 and now it generates per the PS version. I use the FTP process instead of the setup package, so it 'knows' which one to generate to by connecting to the PS server and checking the version. I have no idea how the setup package process knows which one to generate to since i haven't tried that since i moved to PB2017. Also, i assume that they will eventually limit how many versions back PB will support a PS version.

also, your customer would need to buy the yearly maintenance agreement with appeon - that allows them to install the most recent version when you need them to upgrade, plus provides tech support.
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  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 23 October 2018 17:59 PM UTC
Mike is correct that the PowerServer Toolkit in PowerBuilder is backwards compatible with all supported versions. And yes, Chris is correct that only the most recent version of PowerServer developer edition server runtime is included with each latest version of PowerBuilder.
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