We have migrated our application to Power Builder 2017 R2 recently and currently we are conducting our application unit testing in 2017 R2 and facing the below mentioned issue while opening a particular window.
Error Title : Validation Error
Error message: Cannot Connect, Login Failed
Anyhow the above error is not a show stopper, we can skip it and can proceed further in which rest are working fine as expected.
It looks like the issue is from the drop down data window consturctor event available in the window from the following syntax - Settranobject(sqlca),
Commented the above script and tried execution and its working fine with no issues. I am not sure what issue with teh syntax as its a default communication area of power builder.
Note: No issues in the initial login, issue with few screens while opening them.
Please advise. Thank You.
Thanks for your reply.
As you suggested I found the Autoretrieve Option is ON in the DDDW and also Getching() method is also used.
I turned off the Autoretrieve option and tried executing it and its woprking fine with no wrror messege.
May I know the exact reason why it working well in Power Builder 12.1 and Its throws the error in 2017 R2 with Auto retrieve option is ON. I didnt see anything on this in release bulletien. Thank You.
Yes, leaving AutoRetrieve ON should not produce an error. The worst thing that should happen is that you would be retrieving the same DDDW result set twice.
I would like to suggest that if you have an easily repeatable test case, that you open a Support Ticket for this issue. ... https://www.appeon.com/standardsupport