Hello. I'm trialing Powerbuilder 2017, and trying to follow instructions found on the net for configuring git. I've tried installing the PushOK plugin, but it encountered errors and would not install. Tried the instructions here: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/articles-blogs/tutorials-articles/2-powerbuilder/174-configuring-powerbuilder-projects-to-use-github-for-source-control, but end up getting an error. I followed the instructions step-by-step, except connected git to my TFS server instead of github. Is there a better way to connect powerbuilder 2017 to git?
Nonspecific Error performing SccOpenProject.
Source control is in offline mode.
Restoring SCC Offline Status Cache from last backup.
Unable to initialize SCC status cache from backup C:\PB\Loader1.pbc.
Initialization of PBS GIT MSSCCI Failed