Trying to create a simple ASP.Net Core Web API following the steps Bruce laid out in his Demo. However, after creating the Sample Web API, nearly all of the using directives are invalid. Example, editing SampleControler.cs,
System, Microsoft, SnapObjects, and PowerBuilder all have the red squiggle line. Hovering over "using System;" shows the following...
"Unnecessary using directive. The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)."
So, of course, just about everything else is undefined too. I can traverse to "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\v4.0_4.0.0.0__
All prerequisite software is loaded. What am I missing? Environment variable? Something in my PATH? Download something from Nuget?
Environment -
This is an offline installation.
Windows 10
PowerBuilder 2019
SnapDevelop (PB Edition)
And the known issues about Web deploy:
Logan - That's the documentation I've been "Staring" at. For the release notes...
FTP - nope. Just hitting Publish within SnapDevelop with HTTP destination.
Firewall - Disabled. Tho I cannot attest to what McAfee is doing.
Web Deploy - Web Deployment Agent Service is installed and running. (the reason for the full install)
pfx - Nope. it is signed with a snk file.