Hi All,
I have PB 125 application running on Appeon 2016 which calls an email web service on the same server deployed previously under PB 12.5. After our team upgraded to TLS 1.2 calls to the email web service stopped working. I was able to give it a quick fix by logging into AEM and changing the call to the web service from HTTPS to HTTP.
So now I am getting ready to deploy the same application to PowerServer 2017 from PB 2017.
Question: Will I need to upgrade the email web service to PB 2017 and deploy to the same server? Or should upgrading the calling application take care of it. Or is there something else that has to be done altogether to get them to talk via HTTPS?
Thanks all!!
#if defined PBDOTNET then
System.Net.mail.MailMessage message
message = create System.Net.mail.MailMessage
message.subject = subject
message.body = message_text
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress fromaddress
fromaddress = create System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(from_address, from_address_name)
message.From = fromaddress
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress toaddress
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpclient
smtpclient = create System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
smtpclient.host = "web3.ftl.com"
smtpclient.port = 25
return_code = "OK"
destroy message
destroy smtpclient
#end if