Hi Jim,
If you decide to purchase the old richtext, you may find the below useful;
· For purchasing the old richtext control, please refer to “The old rich text editor (TX Text Control editor)” in the local PB 2017 help (Application Techniques -> Data Access Techniques -> Implementing Rich Text -> Using rich text in an application -> Selecting a rich text editor).
· For how to use the old richtext control in PB 2017, please refer to “To select a rich text editor” in the local PB 2017 help (Application Techniques -> Data Access Techniques -> Implementing Rich Text -> Using rich text in an application -> Selecting a rich text editor).
And kindly please note that only the TX Text Control X14 (Professional or Enterprise edition) is supported in the current PB 2017 (X15 or X14 SP1, SP2 is not supported).
Usually in order to use the TX Text Control in runtime, you will need to do the following:
1. Enter the serial number in Application in PB (Additional Properties-->Richtext Edit tab--->switch to TX control and enter your serial number).
2. After compiling the app to .exe, on the client machine, copy the DLLs that are released from the PB runtime package (MSI) installation, and the .exe, etc. to the same folder.
3. Copy the OCX and DLLs in the TX Text Control bin folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Text Control GmbH\TX Text Control 24.0 ActiveX\Bin) from the development machine to the same folder on the client machine as above mentioned.
4. Open the cmd.exe with “Run as administrator” and manually register tx4ole24.ocx (regsvr32 tx4ole24.ocx).
5. Or you may skip Step #3 and Step #4, instead directly install the TX Text Control on the client machine.
Kindly please note that since the TX Text Control is no longer included in PB 2017, so it is unavoidable to manually register the OCX or install the TX Text Control on the client machine. We appreciate your understanding.
Mark Lee
"I am afraid that we don't know how to deploy the TX Text Control within an Appeon application. We were not involved in the integration at all. Please contact Appeon to see how this can be deployed." and prior to that: "Please contact Appeon about the integration - we don't have any influence into their integration of TX Text Control and unfortunately, we don't know much about it."
We have also sent 2 or 3 emails to Appeon Support as we want to know how it is going to work before we spend a couple thousand dollars on something that may not work. The current RTE Control in PB 2017 is just not going to work for us, and we may need to roll back if we can't figure this RTE Control out. Appeon Support has told us to review the documentation, but that documentation is not giving us a clear answer.
Thank You
Jim Beck