I had Topaz connect to my computer and we worked this out. Here is what I wrote up regarding this, I hope it helps. If anyone has any questions just reach out to me. Again this is for PS, it works find for standard PB.
The signature pad requires that the 64-Bit drivers be installed on the client. They can coexist with 32 bit drivers. The drivers are the installation file sigplus64_44157.exe
- Double click on the SigPlus64_44157.exe file.
- When running the install make sure to select the correct model number of the pad
- Select Com9 for the port. This will ensure it works with RDS. Since RMS is not using RDS it will try to use Com9 and then “see” the pad on USB.
- You must verify that the configuration of the SigPlus64.ini file in the C:\WINDOWS folder has the correct model number. In my case, I am using a non LCD screen but the INI file had it defined as LCD and was causing my issues. See the initial section of the INI file; My initial error had a model number of SigLiteLCD1X5.
To disable the popup message that no signature pad is present, change the line DisableMessages=0 to DisableMessages=1
- RMS had to have some initialization commands removed which have been working for over 10 years. Topaz is looking into this. The commands were:
- object.TabletState(0)
- object.TabletComTest(1)
When uninstalling drivers and reinstalling them you need to update or replace the OLE or on the page.
- Select OLE to add a new object on your window
- Select the Insert Control tab, do not installed the object that is listed in the Create New tab
- Scroll down and select the SigPlus Control
- Select where you would like to put this object on the window.