1. Aart Onkenhout
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 13 April 2021 11:46 AM UTC


I have a dataobject with columns that have an expression for their background color. If I understand the documentation well expressions take precendence over theme-settings ('For the background color and font color of Column, Text, Computed Field, and GroupBox controls, the settings in the expression or the Modify method have higher priorities than the theme file.') However, the background of the column doesn't react on the expression. I tried to get it to work by including the datawindow in my custom theme-xxx.json file and setting the drawing-property to false:


, but that had no effect as well. Any clues?



Ken Guo @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 08:54 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Aart,

From your description, you are facing two issues:

  1. Using DW expressions to set the background color of the Text object doesn’t take effect.
  2. Using theme-xxx.json to set DW drawing=false doesn’t take effect.

Normally, PB Theme supports the above two features and we didn’t reproduce these two issues locally. I suggest that you try to create a small case and if this small case can reproduce the issues, please report a bug to our Appeon Support System and upload the case you create(including pbl, theme files) there.




  1. Aart Onkenhout
  2. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 09:33 AM UTC
Hi Ken,

Thank you for your reply. The second option only works when using the ancestor object of 'uo_lijst'





where dw_list is on an ancestor of ddc_ancestor_pane_dwfreeformat. But it doesn't work for the specific datawindow if I use 'w_registratie_info.tab_1.tabpage_handmatig.uo_lijst.dw_list'.

I will try to make a small sample to reproduce it.


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