Hi Mike,
For “how to you get the size of the tabs” issue,
I don't quite understand why you need to do this. If only to control the current MDI client area to display other controls properly in the frame window resize event, I think not using the height of tabbedbar will not affect the layout either.
In addition, the MDI client area size is bound to the tabbedbar control. When a sheet is opened, the y value of the MDI client automatically increases and its height automatically decreases by one of the height of the tabbedbar.
When all sheets are closed, the y value of the MDI client automatically decreases and the height value automatically increases by one of the height of the tabbedbar.
If static interface layout registration is involved similar to FPC framework, then the problem is really difficult to deal with. Because after opening the Tabbedview function, the corresponding window built-in mditbb_1 control is a hidden object. The default height value is 0, and the actual height can only be taken in runtime. If your application does not involve dynamically adjusting the font type or size of the Tabbedview function, the height of the mditbb_1 control is a fixed value before and after the run, which is easier to work around.
If you think my understanding on this problem is incorrect, we might not be on the same page. Please provide a sample reproducible test case(including PBT/PBL) to us for more study. Thanks.
For “how to do you get whether the tabs are displayed” issue, it will be improved in the next version and corresponding new solution will be provided to solve it.
For your two problems, you can refer to Bruce’s example code in the following link to work around.
integer li_rc, li_index, li_count
w_frame lw_frame
string ls_classname
integer li_tabheight = 0
// Resize objects...
lw_frame = gnv_app.of_getframe( )
li_count = UpperBound ( lw_frame.control )
FOR li_index = 1 TO li_count
ls_classname = ClassName ( lw_frame.control[li_index] )
IF ls_classname = 'mditbb_1' THEN
li_tabheight = 104
dw_1.Width = this.WorkSpaceWidth() - 40
dw_1.Height = this.WorkspaceHeight() - ( 40 + li_tabheight )
// Window Resize Behavior
li_rc = this.of_SetResize(true)
li_rc = this.inv_resize.of_Register(dw_1, inv_resize.scalerightbottom)