what are the plans for supporting MS SQL Server 2022 and Versions of the MSOLEDBSQL19 newer 19.0.0?
According to the PB Help only MS SQL Server Versions up to 2019 are supported and only the MSOLEDBSQL19 Driver Version 19.0.0 is supported.
Since at least yesterday, MSOLEDBSQL19 Version 19.0.0 and higher are officially supporting MS SQL Server 2022. (See: Support policies for OLE DB Driver for SQL Server - OLE DB Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Learn)
How are the future support plans regarding MSOLEDBSQL Drivers and MS SQL Server Versions?
If a Version of the MSOLEDB Driver is supported by PB, are all MS SQL Server Versions, that are supported by that Driver Version, automatically supported?
Are there any known issues with MSOLEDBSQL19 Version 19.3.0?
Gerrit Bruns
I'm now running PB2022 build 1892 against an updated SS release 2022 with no issues. I'm using MSO, ODBC & SNC connection types with no problems (thus far) against SS2022 based PB Apps. HTH
Regards ... Chris
good to know.
If Microsoft always changes the Major Version Number, when there are changes in the interface, than it may be a good idea to change the documentation to reflect that. For example Version 19.x is supported and not a specific minor version. Including a hint, that it is only the case as long as Microsoft doesn't change the interface in a minor version.
@Chris, an update would be nice, especially if there are any problems.
Gerrit Bruns