1. Murat Yurdakul
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Sunday, 15 September 2024 07:40 AM UTC


I think there are some problems in version 3391. For example, the code snippet below works without any problems. But sometimes this line gives errors. A code that works continuously with a timer. But sometimes it gives the error below. I bypassed the error with Try-Catch and it works properly again in the following runs.

In another part of the application, the value I assigned to the long variable is set to -2147483648 when the data window is set. This value is the lowest limit of the long variable. Most probably there is a problem with the long variable in version 3391. Somehow the long variable turns into the lowest value and naturally the problem I first mentioned above occurs.




Error : Invalid DataWindow row/column specified at line 134 in function of_portcheck of object n_network.


Datawindow columns



**** Script ****

long i, k

datetime ldt_logdate

datastore dw_port




For i = dw_port.RowCount() to 1 step -1
    ldt_logdate = dw_port.GetItemDateTime(i,"logdate")
    if ldt_logdate < ldt_olddate Then
        For k = 2 to 4
            ll_ping[k] = dw_port.GetItemNumber(i,"ping"+string(k + 31399))







Murat Yurdakul Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 17 September 2024 17:27 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

I don't think so. There is no database connection in my application. I use external datawindow. I think the problem is related to the long variable type. As I mentioned above, in another part of the application, the long variable sets the value -2147483648 to the column. Again, external datawindow. While setting the value in the long variable to the datawindow, it sets the value -2147483648. Most likely, the problem here is something similar. The k variable somehow produces -2147483648 and cannot find the column name. 

The application has been working for 2 years. I have never had such a problem. This problem occurred with version 3391.

  1. Murat Yurdakul
  2. Tuesday, 17 September 2024 21:15 PM UTC
Yes. I'm testing it right now. It will work 24/7 for a few more days. Thanks a lot for your help.
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  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 17 September 2024 21:35 PM UTC
You are most welcome. Please let us know how the test turns out! ;-)
  1. Helpful
  1. David Peace (Powersoft)
  2. Wednesday, 18 September 2024 15:10 PM UTC
The minus number is caused by a number overflow, if longlong is fixing the issue then that would seem to point to that being the problem. Have you tried changing the For loop values for k to be 31401 to 31404? I wonder if the arithmetic function within the String function is messing things up.
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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 17 September 2024 14:51 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Murat;

  Could this be caused by a data base column value that is > a long and thus should be handled as a LongLong data type?

Regards .. Chris

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