Using PB 2022 R2 build 2819
Need to know whether any limit is there to export data from a datawindow / datastore to JSON.
Command used to export:
ls_json = dw_1.ExportJson(False)
Data in the above datawindow is retrieved by entering a period. Data is retrieved for the given period. If we give a whole year, then we get empty string in ls_json [ when I try to write the json to a file, I see an empty file, with no content ]. If the period is shorter, then we get a perfect JSON string.
For one year, there are 117345 rows with 21 columns.
Since this works for a shorter period, I suspect there should be some limit.
Any idea?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
FWIW: I wonder though if using the DBMS itself for large data requests like this would be the better way to handle that anyway?
For example: https://docs.devart.com/data-pump/exporting-data/export-to-json.html
(regardless of the export file type). ;-)