I'm trying to install Powerbuilder 2017 silently onto Windows 2016, however I can see the pre-requisite is SQLAnywhere2017.
Installing PB manually I can decide NOT to install SQLAnywhere, so wondering what's the reason behind this being required for silent/unattended installation?
I'd like to automate PB installation, but this requirement iscausing me a lot of problem as SQLAnywhere 2017 cannot be installed silently if I want to have only the developer/evaluation license.
Is there a way to install Powerbuilder 2017 silently without SQLAnywhere? Or is there a workaround?
Thank you for getting back to me.
The purpose of silent/unattended installation is to not to be prompted with any GUI. I'm aware that during normal, manual installation I can opt out installing SQLAnywhere, but haven't found a way to install it automatically without SQLAnywhere.
Or am I misunderstanding you?
Thank you for that update. I looked through the "silent install" documentation but could not find that information. Looks like we could use an update in this area to make it clearer as to that default.
Gergo: please try the silent install and confirm that it completes OK without SA being installed.
Regards ... Chris
[Error:] The SQL Anywhere engine location is not specified or invalid.
Do you want to continue the installation without specifying a valid SQL Anywhere engine? :YES
@Gergo, please have a try and let us know if you still see any issue.
@Chris, yes we will add this detail into the documentation page https://docs.appeon.com/pb2019r2/installation_guide_for_pb/Installing_in_Silent_Mode.html#d0e1418.
Best regards, Julie