Hi Sally,
PB 2017 supports calling server-side business objects as REST Web APIs. New REST client, JSON data handling, and data encoding features are all included in the latest PB 2017 R3.
The way you move binary data back n' forth over REST Web APIs is to use Base64 data encoding. In fact, we have a short blog about this topic: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/blogs/recent-blogs/base64-your-new-binary-friend
You will eventually need to migrate off of EAServer, and your two lowest-cost options would be:
1. Move the EAServer NVOs back to the client-side (i.e. go back to a traditional 2-tier client/server app)
2. Port your EAServer NVOs to C# REST Web APIs with PB 2018: https://www.appeon.com/pb2018.html