Hi Francisco,
1. I am not getting any error actually, below is my code. This is working perfectly fine in dev environment, error is on the server where i am accessing the powerserver application.
2. Target Framework is net6.0-windows
3. I am not importing DLL, directly loading on application using below code.
anv_object = CREATE DotNetAssembly;
anv_controls = create DotNetObject
//attempt to connect to ole object
li_rc = anv_object.LoadWithDotNet(as_dll);
if li_rc < 0 then
ls_error_header = "Unable to load .NET Assembly: "+as_dll
ls_error_body = anv_object.ErrorText
li_rc = anv_object.createInstance(as_class, anv_controls)
if li_rc < 0 then
ls_error_header = "Unable to create instance of class: "+as_class
ls_error_body = anv_object.ErrorText
end if
end if
if li_rc < 0 then
inv_error.of_message(is_appname, ls_error_header + '. Error: ' + ls_error_body + ', Please contact support for further assistance at ' + is_appphone+'.')
if ab_destroy then
destroy anv_object
destroy anv_controls
end if
return false
end if
and this is the message i am getting:
Unable to load .NET Assembly: MVE_GUI_Controls.DLL. Error: , Please contact support for further assistance at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX.