Any advise on searching a text with wildcard characters in all libraries? Similarly replacing same text with new string in all libraries?
Any advise on searching a text with wildcard characters in all libraries? Similarly replacing same text with new string in all libraries?
This is what I am missing in PowerBuilder IDE ... Screenshot from NetBeans
Hi Ludek
We have, over the years, developd a script based find and replace for this purpose developed in PowerBuilder. Basically it reads all the exported source (in our case it gets it from source control). We code a PB function to find and replace what we want and then if the function changes the code it checks the changes back into source control and a get latest will bring those changes in.
The beauty of coding in PowerScript is that you can have as much complex logic as you like for the find and replace. The engine ot read the files and process them is easily developed too.
You could use Chris' suggestion and then write a quick PB program to do what you want.
Food for thought.
Hi Ludek;
FWIW: what I do is use PB's native Source Code Control feature. Once the native SCC is active & you check out all your objects, their source code will now be exported into the native SCC's target folder. Then you can use any 3rd party product to make global fille changes. Once the required changes are done to all the files, then perform a Get latest. That should bring all the objects updated source code back into their respective PBL's.
Of course, a full backup before doing this would be most prudent. HTH
Regards ... Chris