I'm trying to save a simple list datawindow to a PDF but keep on getting a result of -1. Thanks
Here is the script I created:
long ll_return
integer pdfstandardindex = 1
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard = pdfstandardindex - 1
ll_return = dw_1.SaveAs( 'c:\temp\testdata.pdf', PDF!, true )
If ll_return = 1 then
messagebox('SaveAs', 'File successfully created in c:\temp...')
messagebox('SaveAs', 'Creating File in c:\temp failed... = ' + string(ll_return) )
end if
You are correct ... "Distill!" is the default DWO PDF option upon creation. So unless you change the PDF option to NativePDF! (either in a DW Modify, DW Painter or set the defualt in PB.INI) the SaveAs() would fail (aka -1 ) if GhostScript was not installed.
Regards ... Chris