1. Ruth Spradlin
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 29 February 2024 16:11 PM UTC

Hi, I am trying to modify some code to run automatically without user input, so it can be run like a batch process.  The code creates a sql file, then uses run and wait and createprocess to execute the sql code and output the results to a file.  When this process is started it opens a consol window that displays information as it executes the sql.  I don't need this window to be visible, although that is not the problem.  If the sql encounters any errors, it pops up a box displaying the error and asking the user to stop or continue.  This stops the processing until there is a response.  ultimately, I would like to be able to capture those errors and just have the file continue to process, but even without capturing the errors, I need the process not to stop for user response.

I don't really understand this code very well.  I see lots of parameters, but I can't find anything that explains them.  I also see that there isa runandcapture, but I don't find any explanation or documentation.  

If anyone can help direct me I would appreciate it.  Or, is there another way I can execute sql code from within Powerbuilder and direct the output to a file?

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Roland Smith Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 1 March 2024 13:10 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1


We have a PowerBuilder application that runs a bunch of .sql script files.

It reads the file into a string variable and executes it like this:

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :ls_sqlstatement USING sqlca;


  1. Ruth Spradlin
  2. Friday, 1 March 2024 16:41 PM UTC
I will look into this. I am not sure why they were originally writing all of the sql out to a file, then running that file. I don't know why they didn't just execute each sql statement as it was created.
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John Fauss Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 1 March 2024 01:17 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi, Ruth -

What program are you planning on using to execute the file that contains the SQL? I'm having some difficulty understanding the larger picture as to what you are trying to accomplish, so some elaboration on your part would be very helpful.

Will the SQL be only a single SELECT statement?

Is the SQL dynamically created or are you running a saved/verified single SQL command or a sequence of SQL commands?

Will the SQL always work or is there a possibility it will contain syntax errors, logic errors, etc. (i.e., written by users or by developers)?

Will you be creating tables/triggers or other DB objects on the fly?

Creating logins?

Granting permissions?

Executing a stored procedure?

Depending on the particulars of what you want/need to do, the code in the "Run and Wait" example app may not be a viable solution.


In regards your concerns about documentation/help, the free code samples on the TopWizProgramming web site are very concise and very well-written, but they do make extensive use of Window API functions, which are called from PowerBuilder via external function declarations. This is because they provide a means of doing things that cannot be done without using the API functions.

There is extensive documentation on the Windows API documentation available from Microsoft that you can access:


Use the search field in the left sidebar on this web page to find documentation topics on API functions and structures. You need to supply the Windows names for these functions and structures, etc., and not the names by which they are called in PowerBuilder code. When an external function declaration in PB contains the "ALIAS FOR" clause, this means PB's name for the API function differs from the actual API function's name listed in the ALIAS FOR clause.

Please realize that Windows API documentation is supplied by Microsoft, not Appeon, and the documentation is directed at an audience that codes in C or C++. Microsoft uses type definitions out the wazoo (even nested, multi-level type definitions), which admittedly, can be confusing if all you've ever seen is PB code. In many cases, there are PB equivalents, but even so, it can be confusing. For example, a (typedef'd) DWORD is actually a PB UnsignedLong or ULong. Here's a link which helps explain most of the Windows API type definitions:


I've written a four-part tutorial on the subject of Interfacing Windows API functions to PB applications, and these documents are available in the Tech Articles section of the Community:


The links to these four articles are currently listed beginning on page 4. The Appendix in Part 4 of the tutorial contains PB translations for many of the more commonly-used Windows API data types.

Best regards, John

  1. Ruth Spradlin
  2. Friday, 1 March 2024 16:49 PM UTC
The sql file is executed with the createprocess statement. There are many sql statements that are executed and the output is sent to different files. The sql is generated in the code and written out to a temp.sql file. That file is passed into the createprocess statement. It is only the select statements where the result is sent to various files. Those files are the end result that the user is looking for. The sql is currently generating some errors which cause the process to stop and wait for input from the user (Stop, Continue). I am working on resolving those errors, but there may be the possibility of future errors, and there will be no user running this process in the future. My purpose right now is to automate the whole process.
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Ruth Spradlin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 29 February 2024 22:05 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

I saw the topwiz site in the link, and I downloaded the .pbls, but I did't see any documentation or explaination of the code.  There are lots of parameters, but I can't find anything that tells what the values mean.

  1. Roland Smith
  2. Friday, 1 March 2024 00:43 AM UTC
The comment block at the top of the functions explain the arguments.The window has a button for each of the functions showing how to use them.
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Roland Smith Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 29 February 2024 21:57 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

Check this out:


It has RunAndWait and RunAndCapture functions. Also ShellRun and ShellRunAndWait.

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Ruth Spradlin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 29 February 2024 21:44 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 5

It is not a batch file, it is an sql file.  Temp.sql, that contains sql code

this is the code

long ll_null, ll_CreationFlags, ll_ExitCode, ll_msecs
String ls_null

// initialize arguments
lstr_si.cb = 72
lstr_si.wShowWindow = al_showwindow

// create process/thread and execute the passed program
If CreateProcess(ls_null, as_exefullpath, ll_null, &
ll_null, False, ll_CreationFlags, ll_null, &
ls_null, lstr_si, lstr_pi) Then
// wait for the process to complete
If il_millsecs > 0 Then
// wait until process ends or timeout period expires
ll_ExitCode = WaitForSingleObject(lstr_pi.hProcess, il_millsecs)
// terminate process if not finished
If ib_terminate And ll_ExitCode = WAIT_TIMEOUT Then
TerminateProcess(lstr_pi.hProcess, -1)
ll_ExitCode = WAIT_TIMEOUT
// check for exit code
GetExitCodeProcess(lstr_pi.hProcess, ll_ExitCode)
End If
// wait until process ends
WaitForSingleObject(lstr_pi.hProcess, INFINITE)
// check for exit code
GetExitCodeProcess(lstr_pi.hProcess, ll_ExitCode)
End If
// close process and thread handles
// return failure
ll_ExitCode = -1
End If

Return ll_ExitCode

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Miguel Leeuwe Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 29 February 2024 21:24 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 6

If you are running a batch file, you can get your input from for example a text file "yes.txt" which contains a Y. (or any other value that needs to be passed in to continue the process).

batch_file.bat < yes.txt

for outputting your your output to a file use ">".

Not sure if you might have to use << instead of < and >> instead of >.


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