I am getting "row changed between retrieve and update" any time I try to datawindow update a table where a datetime is in the list of updateable columns. I tried setting datetimeformat in the ODBC database profile syntax tab but it still fails. Somehow the where clause value for a datetime is not matching the database value. I saw a previous post where an ORACLE fix was to use: ls_dateformat = "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = ~'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS~'". I am using SQL server as indicated on screenshot below. Any ideas? Setting Disablebind=1 will fix the problem but I am concerned that will result in slower performance.
PB version:
- Paul Shue
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 14 March 2022 14:36 PM UTC
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(08DAA440): UPDATE states SET statenm = ?, updateddttm = ?, updatedempseq = ?, cpuid = ? WHERE siteseq = ? AND statecd = ? AND statenm = ? AND active = ? AND countrycd = ? AND createdttm = ? AND createempseq = ? AND updateddttm = ? AND updatedempseq = ? AND cpuid = ? AND digital_signature_text IS NULL AND date_format IS NULL AND allow_digital_signatures IS NULL (0.038 MS / 646.912 MS)
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=8 ID=:1 *Yikes_st*
(08DAA440): DATETIME Length=0 ID=:2
(08DAA440): LONG Length=0 ID=:3
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=12 ID=:4 *w_state_list*
(08DAA440): LONG Length=0 ID=:5
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=2 ID=:6 *YY*
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=5 ID=:7 *Yikes*
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=1 ID=:8 *Y*
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=3 ID=:9 *USA*
(08DAA440): DATETIME Length=0 ID=:10
(08DAA440): LONG Length=0 ID=:11
(08DAA440): DATETIME Length=0 ID=:12
(08DAA440): LONG Length=0 ID=:13
(08DAA440): VCHAR Length=12 ID=:14 *w_state_list* (44.074 MS / 690.986 MS)
(08DAA440): EXECUTE: (4.730 MS / 695.716 MS)
(08DAA440): GET AFFECTED ROWS: (0.002 MS / 695.718 MS)
(08DAA440): ^ 0 Rows Affected
(08DAA440): *** ERROR -3 ***(rc -1) : Row changed between retrieve and update.