1. Philip Troise
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 2 March 2021 10:42 AM UTC

2019 R3     IDE and Runtimw 2556 built on 9/9/2020


So what is the winning combinations of commands that will loop through the submenu’s in the master menu?

Could it be that there is no way and I have to await enhanced features?



Below is the beginning of loop through categories and panels.

PowerObject lpo_object, lpo_object2

int li_Return, i, j, li_num_of_categories, li_master_items_count, li_submenu_master_items_count

Integer li_subcount, li_index, li_index2



RibbonLargeButtonItem lr_LargeButton

RibbonSmallButtonItem lr_SmallButton

RibbonMenuItem lr_MenuItem

RibbonCategoryItem lr_category

RibbonPanelItem lr_panel

RibbonMenu lr_Menu

RibbonApplicationButtonItem buttonitem

RibbonApplicationMenu appmenu




       FOR j = 1 to ll_panel_count

               li_Return = rbb_main.GetChildItemByIndex(lr_category.itemhandle, j, lr_panel)

                ll_child_count = rbb_main.GetChildItemCount(lr_panel.itemhandle)

                FOR i = 1 to ll_child_count

                       li_Return = rbb_main.GetChildItemByIndex(lr_panel.itemhandle,i, lpo_Object)

                       //LargeButton Visible and enable control

                       lr_LargeButton = lpo_Object


                               IF lr_LargeButton.text = "Add Reservation" OR lr_LargeButton.text = "Dash Board" THEN

                                        IF ls_s1=TRUE THEN

                                                 lr_LargeButton.Enabled = TRUE


                                                 Set 2nd MASTER ITEM enabled=TRUE                               

                                                 li_index = 2     // 2 master menu                                                

                                                 //Gets a copy of MenuItem from the copy of ApplicationMenu

                                                  li_Return = appmenu.GetMasterItem(li_index, lr_MenuItem )

                                                  //Set master menu to enabled=TRUE



       non of the commands work below on the submenu's . I completely do not understand if or how it should work

                           li_submenu_master_items_count = appmenu.GetRecentItemCount()

                           li_Return = appmenu.SetRecentItem(li_index2, lr_MenuItem)

                            li_Return = appmenu.GetRecentItem (li_index2, lr_MenuItem)




//For the change to take effect, sets the copy of MenuItem back to the copy of ApplicationMenu
li_Return = appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, lr_MenuItem )
//Then sets the copy of ApplicationMenu back to the copy of ApplicationButton
li_Return = buttonitem.Setmenu( appmenu )
//Finally sets the copy of ApplicationButton back to the RibbonBar control
li_Return = rbb_main.SetApplicationbutton( buttonitem )


 // ApplicationButton master Items

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RibbonBar BuiltinTheme="0" Font="FaceName:Tacoma; TextSize:10">

    <ApplicationButton Text="Application" Enabled="true" Tag="RibbonBar Demo" Visible="true">
         <Item Text="Front Desk" PictureName="" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="">
             <Item Text="Unit-Chart" PictureName="ChartBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="Unit-Chart" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_menuitemclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Arrivals" PictureName="CustomerBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="Arrivals" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_menuitemclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Departures" PictureName="AccountBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="Departures" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_menuitemclicked"></Item>
        <Item Text="Arrivals + Departures" PictureName="TeamworkBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0"  Visible="true" Clicked="ue_menuitemclicked"></Item>
        <Item Text="Dash Board" PictureName="AlignBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_menuitemclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Add Reservation" PictureName="AddBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="false" Shortcut="R" Tag="Add Reservation" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
                <Item Text="Update Reservation" PictureName="TabHeaderSelectedBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="false" Shortcut="F2" Tag="Update and Delete Reservation" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
                <Item Text="Guest Stay Overs" PictureName="Cascade1!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
                <Item Text="Group" PictureName="TeamworkBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0"  Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
                <Item Text="Walk-In" PictureName="CustomerBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="Walk-In" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Check-In Guests" PictureName="CustomerBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="Check-In" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
            <Item Text="Check-Out" PictureName="AccountBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
            <Item Text="Open Folios" PictureName="Cascade1!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
              <Item Text="Folio History" PictureName="CopyBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="false" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
              <Item Text="Balance Due" PictureName="AccountingNumberFormatBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Deposit" PictureName="CurrencyBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Guest Profiles" PictureName="EmployeeBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
             <Item Text="Service Out" PictureName="PropertiesBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
              <Item Text="Point of Sale" PictureName="OptionsBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
              <Item Text="User LogOn" PictureName="AccountBig!" Checked="false"  Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>
              <Item Text="Remote Support" PictureName="TelephoneBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Shortcut="" Tag="" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_mastermenuclicked"></Item>                    

Philip Troise Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 3 March 2021 14:38 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Thanks you. I works.    !!!!!!

  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 3 March 2021 14:56 PM UTC
Which one is the correct answer? Please make the accepted answer.
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René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 3 March 2021 12:42 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Philip,

The Recent... functions are for the special recent menu items.

To loop through the normal application menu you have to use GetMasterItem... functions.

Use this to start:

RibbonApplicationButtonItem application_button
RibbonApplicationMenu ApplicationMenu
RibbonMenuItem Item
long ll_i, ll_c, ll_j, ll_c2

rbb_menu.GetApplicationButton (application_button)
application_button.GetMenu (ApplicationMenu)

ll_c = ApplicationMenu.GetMasterItemCount ()

FOR ll_i = 1 TO ll_c
ApplicationMenu.GetMasterItem (ll_i, Item)
MessageBox ("Item " + string (ll_i), item.text)
ll_c2 = ApplicationMenu.GetMasterItemCount(ll_i)
FOR ll_j = 1 TO ll_c2
ApplicationMenu.GetMasterItem (ll_i, ll_j, Item)
MessageBox ("SubItem " + string (ll_j), item.text)
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Philip Troise Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 2 March 2021 21:24 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

Thanks for clarifying that I could not use the getitembytag method


I tried to use the tag method after not being able to get your recommended method "GetItem Syntax 4, GetMasterItem, and GetRecentItem function"

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Philip Troise Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 2 March 2021 17:52 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

How do a Loop through submenu's items for each master item



Integer li_subcount, li_index, li_index2

RibbonLargeButtonItem lr_LargeButton
RibbonSmallButtonItem lr_SmallButton
RibbonMenuItem lr_MenuItem
RibbonCategoryItem lr_category
RibbonPanelItem lr_panel
RibbonMenu lr_Menu

RibbonApplicationButtonItem buttonitem
RibbonApplicationMenu appmenu


//Below will get the second master item and make Enabled=TRUE

li_index = 2
li_Return = appmenu.GetMasterItem(li_index, lr_MenuItem )


//My attempt to loop through sub master item's of each master item

//All the below fail.

//How do a Loop through submenu's items for each master item

li_Return = appmenu.SetRecentItem(li_index, lr_MenuItem)

li_Return = appmenu.GetRecentItem (li_index, lr_MenuItem)

li_submenu_master_items_count = appmenu.GetRecentItemCount()



//For the change to take effect, sets the copy of MenuItem back to the copy of ApplicationMenu
li_Return = appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, lr_MenuItem )
//Then sets the copy of ApplicationMenu back to the copy of ApplicationButton
li_Return = buttonitem.Setmenu( appmenu )
//Finally sets the copy of ApplicationButton back to the RibbonBar control
li_Return = rbb_main.SetApplicationbutton( buttonitem )

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René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 2 March 2021 11:46 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 5

Hi Philip,

In usage notes of function GetItemByTag in the help you can find this information:

The GetItemByTag and GetItem functions can be used to get items including ApplicationButton, TabButton, Category, Panel, Group, LargeButton, SmallButton, CheckBox, and ComboBox; but cannot get RibbonMenuItem, RibbonApplicationMenu, and RibbonMenu. To get RibbonMenuItem, you can use the GetItem Syntax 4, GetMasterItem, and GetRecentItem functions. To get RibbonApplicationMenu and RibbonMenu, you can use the GetMenu and GetMenuByButtonHandle functions.


To find the item you want you have to loop through the Master item.




  1. Philip Troise
  2. Wednesday, 3 March 2021 19:47 PM UTC
Its looping through the submenu’s and I able to change the enabled to false or true

But I can seem to save the changes to the submenu's.

The master item saves correctly but not the changes to the submenu item’s

Below I tried using SetRecentItem. Still not working

//li_master_items_count = 2

FOR li_index = 1 TO li_master_items_count

appmenu.GetMasterItem (li_index, lr_MenuItem)

//MessageBox ("Item " + string (li_index), lr_MenuItem.text)


li_Return = appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, lr_MenuItem )

li_submenu_master_items_count = appmenu.GetMasterItemCount(li_index)

FOR j = 1 TO li_submenu_master_items_count

appmenu.GetMasterItem (li_index, j, lr_MenuItem)


li_Return = appmenu.SetRecentItem( j, lr_MenuItem )

//MessageBox("SubItem " + string (j), lr_MenuItem.text)


// li_Return = appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, lr_MenuItem )


//li_index = 3

// working update application button logic

//For the change to take effect, sets the copy of MenuItem back to the copy of ApplicationMenu

li_Return = appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, lr_MenuItem )

//Then sets the copy of ApplicationMenu back to the copy of ApplicationButton

li_Return = buttonitem.Setmenu( appmenu )

//Finally sets the copy of ApplicationButton back to the RibbonBar control

li_Return = rbb_main.SetApplicationbutton( buttonitem )

  1. Helpful
  1. René Ullrich
  2. Thursday, 4 March 2021 07:09 AM UTC
I think you want to use SetMasterItem and not SetRecentItem fpr the sub menu:

appmenu.SetMasterItem( li_index, j, lr_MenuItem )

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