We are using PB 2017 R3 against a postgres database. We are in the process of porting our application from informix to postgres database.
I have an issue in that functions declared with reference variables - after retrieving the data - the strings are being truncated to 16 characters.
For example: this function public function integer
of_cpp_s04_getfirmname (string as_firm_id, ref string as_firm_name)
DECLARE cf_cpp_s04_getfirmName PROCEDURE FOR cf_cpp_s04_getFirmName
as_firm_id = :as_firm_id
USING itr_Database;
EXECUTE cf_cpp_s04_getfirmName;
// Check for an error when executing the stored procedure
ll_sql_result = itr_Database.of_CheckDBError(TRUE)
IF (ll_sql_result <> gi_SQL_SUCCESS) AND (ll_sql_result <> gi_SQL_NOT_FOUND) THEN
// Perform the priming fetch of the name of the firm
FETCH cf_cpp_s04_getfirmName INTO :as_firm_name;
The result in as_firm_name returns only the first 16 or so characters.
I have hundreds of these functions with ref string variables and would like to know what is causing this and how to rectify without converting all of them to datastores?