We have migrated PB 2017 to PB 2019 R3 and need to change the DBMS = "SNC SQL Native Client(OLE DB)" to "MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server",
So, we want your suggestion that do we need to include "Provider = 'MSOLEDBSQL'" in SQLCA.DBParm string or not, since previously we haven't included any "Provider" information in SQLCA.DBParm string.
Our existing SQLCA.DBParm string:
SQLCA.DBParm = "DBTextLimit='32000',TrimSpaces=1,ProviderString='MARS Connection=False',"+ls_Host+",Database='"+SQLCA.Database+"',FailoverPartner='"+ls_FailOverServer+"',Initial Catalog='"+SQLCA.Database+"'"
YADE (Yet Another Documentation Error).
This is the syntax created for the profiles in the database profile setup.
Version 19 Syntax
// Profile matrixOLE
SQLCA.LogPass = <*******>
SQLCA.ServerName = "PBS41"
SQLCA.LogId = "sa"
SQLCA.AutoCommit = True
SQLCA.DBParm = "Database='loadmax',Identity='SCOPE_IDENTITY()',Provider='MSOLEDBSQL19' "
Version 18 Syntax
// Profile MatrixOLE18
SQLCA.LogPass = <*******>
SQLCA.ServerName = "pbs41"
SQLCA.LogId = "sa"
SQLCA.AutoCommit = True
SQLCA.DBParm = "Database='Loadmax',Identity='SCOPE_IDENTITY()'"
I used the generated Syntax to run an application
Version 18 syntax will not work if only version 19 is installed.
Version 19 syntax will work if either driver Version 18 or 19 is installed - it uses version 18 if no version 19 installed.
With SNC SQL Native Client(OLE DB), provider could be left empty, and connection would use use the installed version rather than just a specified version.
It might be preferable if MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server Driver worked like this to avoid having to provide a specific version.