1. Uwe Schwan
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. Wednesday, 14 June 2023 14:12 PM UTC

Hi all,

we have strange problem with "quoted_identifier" in a SQL Anywhere 17 database and a WebApi generated with SnapDevelop.

The WebApi is generated from a couple of DataWindows with the DataWindowConverter.


"DbParam": {
"kfz64": {
"DelimitIdentifier": false,
"TrimSpaces": false

We then execute the WebApi function within swagger or PostMan it brings back the correct data without an error.

When we then take a look into the options of the SQL Anywhere Database, the option "quoted_identifier" has changed. 

Before the execution it was turned on and now it's turend off and we run into some errors.







Accepted Answer
Logan Liu @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 15 June 2023 10:47 AM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # Permalink

Hi Uwe,

Do you mean that some operations in SnapDevelop have accidentally changed the DelimitIdentifier item in the configuration file? 

"DbParam": {
"kfz64": {
"DelimitIdentifier": false,
"TrimSpaces": false

If you can reproduce it, please provide more details about your steps.

Regards, Logan

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Uwe Schwan Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 16 June 2023 12:53 PM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # 1

Hi all,


we solved the problem by setting the DBParm parameter "DelimitIdentifier" to true.





  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Friday, 16 June 2023 16:13 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing the solution!
  1. Helpful
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Uwe Schwan Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 15 June 2023 12:10 PM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # 2

Hi Logan,

thanks for your reply.

No. Nothing changed in the config file for the webapi. 

The sysoptions for the user in the db have changed after the execution of webapi function.





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