I just got a report from a user who is using our PB 2021 application that prints from DW reports in the application to their Konica Minolta C552 commercial copier/printer don't work: they say it prints "an endless number of almost blank pages - each page has perhaps a half dozen characters printed, some legible, some not".
On the other hand, they say if they use the Save PDF button on the report window, just uses Native PDF generation, the PDF prints to that printer fine. And they claim no other application is having printing problems.
They also say their printer driver is up to date.
Has anyone ever seen this type of problem with this printer or any other printer? Any solutions? Thanks.
As for the problem you're running into, is there any way to have the user print to file, with the same printer driver, so you can see the output and possibly identify what part of the print job is causing issues? Maybe try a different version of the driver? (PCL, Native, PostScript)