We have a Microsoft Web Browser control in a DW but it is not showing information. We need to fill the browser with some saved Html that at first we are trying to set up by using
Not able to use the Web Browser object, that works and shows the contents, because we need to set up a custom Header and Footer that includes original web page and original date-time for printing. These a are logs from a web page query we save with lo_xmlhttp.open ("GET", ls_url, false)
I was trying to achieve this info using normal DW header and footer data and include only de web browser control with the HTML text.
Any hint of what should I be missing
Layer is defined as Band, Data to Current Row.
ole(band=detail x="78" y="24" height="968" width="1792" border="0" tooltip.backcolor="134217752" tooltip.delay.initial="10000" tooltip.delay.visible="32000" tooltip.enabled="1" tooltip.hasclosebutton="0" tooltip.icon="0" tooltip.isbubble="1" tooltip.maxwidth="0" tooltip.textcolor="134217751" tooltip.tip="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" tooltip.transparency="0" clientname="Consulta RUC"range=-2 binaryindex=1 activation=1 linkupdateoptions=0 contentsallowed=2 displaytype=1 name=ole_1 visible="1" )