1. David Peace (Powersoft)
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 9 August 2024 10:25 AM UTC

Hi All

As the title says I have a a problem with Window based dropdownlistbox AllowEdit=True when Themes are applied. The user is not able to edit and type into the DDLB data. They can scroll and select from the drop down list but cannot type their entry.

If I do not apply a theme it works fine, if I change the Theme.json dropdownlistbox section "drawing": to False then it works and the rest of the theme is applied as expected.

I have tried a simple test case and that works fine.

I have tried debugging to see what properties are set on the window when the object gets focus but PB just crashes. I added code to the RBDownEvent to debugbreak() so I could see the object properties and then crashed PB too. I added a messagebox to show the status of the Enabled & AllowEdit, both are True.

I have optimised the PBL and regenerated the objects.

This problem occurs in Production and IDE. Needless to say the window is complex with many controls.

Any thoughts?






Accepted Answer
David Peace (Powersoft) Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 9 August 2024 10:38 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

After messing around with the properties on the DDLB I got it working. I had to Enable the DDLB in the IDE so that when the window was opened and the Theme applied it did the right thing. Everything worked.

I was then able to create a simple test case of a DDLB disabled. Added a button to enable the DDLB and after clicking the button you cannot edit the data in the DDLB.

So I'll close this and raise it as a bug.

Work around is to set the properties on the DDLB to enabled, then in code after the window is open to disable it. Then the code that enables it later can work ok and the data it editable.

Thanks anyway.

  1. Mark Goldsmith
  2. Friday, 9 August 2024 14:15 PM UTC
Thanks David, good to know.
  1. Helpful
  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Monday, 12 August 2024 19:09 PM UTC
Thanks David for sharing this info!
  1. Helpful
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