We are having issues with running transact sql (not all of them) and Stored Proc datawindow.
When we deployed to Local IIS server everything runs fine, when we deploy to the Web Server and run the app there we are receiving many of the following errors...seems to all be around transact sql..
Here is the log error.
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [AXDispatcher (GetHeader)] Header-pt:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] Header-protocolMode:
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName=*** I removed this***
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName=*** I removed this***
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [JRouterImpl (Call)] command=EmbedSQLCommandData[
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] Sql=@@SQL_3_u_sscs_server,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SqlKey=@@SQL_3_u_sscs_server,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SqlKind=Embedded_select,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] IsNeedTransferCharset=False,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] DBEncoding=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ClientEncoding=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] PBTransObject=PBTransactionProperties[Name=sqlca, ConnectionCache =PRODCOPY,DriverID=-1, AutoCommitMode=NoAutoCommit, CommitOnDisconnect=True, DbType=ASE12.5/15.x, ConnectionLifeTime=-1],
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ParameterList=[DataParameterInfo[name=ESQL_0, dataType=INTEGER, Direction=Input, IsNull=False, value=0]],
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SecurityKey=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] IsInChainedMode=False,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SessionMap=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SessionChanged=False,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ApplicationName=richist_web,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] Flag=-64,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] SessionId==*** I removed this***,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ClientType=1,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ClientContext={rStream=2089547116, rIP==*** I removed this***, counter=Appeon.Util.Counter, protocolMode=bin, return_pt=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], appeon_clienttype=ax, server_flag=[20, 4, 3, 18], testdata_session=System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState, inputencoding=UTF-16LE, encoding=UTF-8, rUser=, pt=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]},
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] CommandDataId=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] LogId=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] IsNeedSession=True,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] IsAsynchronous=False,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] List=null,
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] PBVersion=17.0]
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName==*** I removed this***
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [JRouterImpl (Call-Before execute)] Execute command.execute()
208:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName==*** I removed this***
224:0 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [JRouterImpl (Call())] returnObject=ReturnObject [ Code=13016, Message=Cannot find the following embedded SQL in AppeonDB: ApplicationName ==*** I removed this*** and SQLKey =@@sql_3_u_sscs_server., Exception=, ReturnValue= ]
224:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] [AXDispatcher (doPost)]
224:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] =======================INVOKE FINISHED==========================================
224:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] Input time < 15ms; Process and output time = 16ms; Total time = 16ms.
224:3 [18-12-14 10:36:01] ================================================================================
is there some setting or setup we may have missed..
We are connecting and getting data so we know the SYBASE ASE is working.
Powerserver 2017, PowerBuilder 2017 r1, Sybase 16,
I work with Davis and I am going to answer the questions for him:
1) Any difference in the DataSource definition on your Local IIS vs Deployed IIS?
2) Are you using IIS for both the App and Web server?
3) Are the ASE DB Client installs the same on the Local & Deployed IIS?
NO, Local is installed & Deployed IIS not.
4) How are you connecting to ASE from PowerServer (that is - your DB Client type)?
ASE Native Driver
5) What exactly is the "@@SQL_3_u_sscs_server" global variable?
It is an object that is making a select against the database.
Best Regards,
Oscar Naranjo