1. Bryant Burnard
  2. PowerServer
  3. Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:37 PM UTC
I have been using PowerBuilder R3 Build 2703 ( and deploying an application to PowerServer (PB Edition) 2020 Build 2703.00 (64 bit). I have tested my 64 bit Oracle and 32 bit Oracle connections from the PB front ends, and the PowerServer resources/data source, all make connections to the Oracle 19 database I have recently down loaded PB 2021 Build 1288, runtime and have been trying to configure the same Oracle connection in the PowerServer Project object. I downloaded the Oracle .Net driver, installed the Oracle driver and re-booted. I am getting the following error: OracleInternal.Network.AddressResolution when trying to test the connection in the (from the Web API tab) database Configuration area. How does one debug what the error is? I have tried some of the .Net sugguestions from a Google search.
Accepted Answer
Bryant Burnard Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 29 October 2021 21:22 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer
  3. # Permalink

After some playing in my System variables found that the 64 bit clients had to be first in the path, and no ORACLE_HOME variable set in the User Variables. BUT, a TNS_ADMIN variable needed to be added pointing to the tnsnames.ora file in the 64 bit client. The error went away.

  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Friday, 29 October 2021 21:47 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing the solution!
  1. Helpful
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