I'm converting a Powerbuilder application to PowerServer so it can operate using the SaaS model.
I've been following the guidelines in this video.
Creating a SAAS Application with PowerServer 2022
We need to hold database configuration in the database also so we can set up new databases for different clients. While preparing for this, I checked the docs in
We set a number of values in the DBPARM for SQLCA when connecting with PowerBuilder, but I couldn't see how our required values can be set from this documentation. I thought OtherOptions might be where to place them, but there's no info on adding the DBPARM values we need. It also mentions OtherOptions can be set up in the project painter, but it hasn't got the options I need.
Ideally, I want to be able to use the same details in PowerServer as we are providing in our PowerBuilder connectionstring DBPARM, but couldn't find out how to do this.
My question is - will the DBPARM values be applied to the cachename connection by PowerServer (hopefully) - If not, how do I configure them
Samples of our DBParms and SnapDevelop configuration.
-- DBPARM Settings
Identity='SCOPE_IDENTITY()' ;
ProviderString = 'MARS Connection=False' ;
"Connections": {
"Default": {
"loadmax_cache": {
"ConnectionType": "SqlServer",
"Database": "loadmax_ps2022",
"Host": "PBS41",
"Port": 1433,
"UserID": "sa",
"Password": "*********",
"EnablePooling": true,
"MinPoolSize": 0,
"MaxPoolSize": 100,
"ConnectionLifetime": 0,
"ConnectionTimeout": 15,
"CommandTimeout": 30,
"SecurityOptions": "encrypt=False",
"OtherOptions": null,
"DynamicConnection": false
I was already setting longconnection=1. Logan pointed me to a section in the documentation that describes Supported DBParm Properties for Poweserver, which was really helpful.
I mentioned this to Logan - it would be really helpful if Appeon provided a mapping/cross reference of existing DBPARMS that are not supported in PowerServer showing now to set them up in otheroptions. This could help lots of PowerServer users in one go. Otherwise, they all have to go through Microsoft Docs.
I spent a lot of time going through docs etc. and if that was available in Supported DBParm Properties section, it would have been really useful.
I think I know exactly what I need to set up now. I just need to confirm something about PowerServer processing for PowerBuilder identityid - we use SQL Server. I'll raise a new Q&A for this.
My experience is that Appeon are very responsive which is great.
Have a good weekend - already starting mine here so transitioning into chill mode.