Our procedure is as follows
We automatically create test versions on the build server. On day X, we copy the data of the released test version to the productive version. For this we only have to exchange the INI file with the connection parameters.
Now we want to automate the whole distribution with PowerClient or PBAutobuild.
In the PowerClient Json file the Appname = Application1Test. The PowerClient now creates an exe with the name Application1Test.exe.zip.
If we now make a test version into a productive version, we copy the directory on the web server and rename the directory
With the file CustomizeDeploy.dll we can exchange the INI file. But we cannot rename the exe. We don't want or are not allowed to start a build again just to change the app name.
How can we change the name of the exe from Application1Test to Application1?
How do you work with test and production versions in release planning?
Best regards
What I've seen over my decades in IT, that's normally the way most IT shops use that technique. The development team does a production "candidate" build & does a quick "sanity" test on the App. From there, the production candidate is copied "as is" to the QA environment. The only change would be to a control file that allows the App to connect to the QA DB. If the App passes QA, then the production candidate App is copied "as is" from the QA environment to the Systems Integration test environment. Again, the only change there is the control file that directs the App to connect to an SI based DB. If the App passes SI testing, it's then copied to the User Acceptance test environment with the appropriate control file changes for DB connection in UA. Once the App passes UAT, it's copied into production. At NO time is the app ever recompiled as this could easily break its integrity. If the App fails to pass any these environments, it's sent back to development where it's fixed & recompiled as another production candidate & the cycle starts again over to QA.
There is no reason why PowerClient or PowerServer Apps should not follow the same SDLC IMHO. HTH
Regards... Chris
Yes, I agree with all that, but since the exe is already in different folders, I don't see the need to name the executable differently or maybe I didn't fully understand they the OP works with this.