@Chris, Yes, was aware of that and have been using that for other items just was trying to avoid the big hit,
Armeen Mazda @Appeon and Miguel Leeuwe ; The self contained option did work in that it created a published version with a 58mb footprint.
Seems like I have lots of new options so thanks for all the suggestions folks,
Correct me if I am wrong but from what I could determine I had to edit the .pubxml settings file directly to set the <SelfContained>True</SelfContained> but then appears that it did 'publish' it in a self-contained fashion. Is that the correct way to enable that option?
Still seemed like too much 'plumbing' was included so I tried throwing in the <PublishTrimmed>true</PublishTrimmed> into the .pubxml settings file.
But that really didnt seem to work at all, Either SnapDevelop is not picking that up or it was but wasnt performing the trimming or there wasnt anything else to trim?
Following up more information on your snapDevelop 2021 publishing documentation I could not determine where any log files from the publishing process were sent to, any ideas?
Jury is out if the self-published version actually works, illl post a update later if it worked out and deploys without the big .net sdk install or not ..
Another option is to refactor the code into an ActiveX which I am sure would downsize it into a mini footprint, but thats a different can of beans.
Thanks for all your help, And yeah, I never sleep ;)