Hello all... Seasons greeting...
My question today has to do with the RUN command in PowerBuilder.
I am re-writing some logic to print labels. We are moving away from an ActiveX and Intermec label printer, to using ZPL with Zebra Printers.
In the new Windows 10/PB 2017 environment we are in, the OCX is s-l-o-w. 40 seconds between printing labels, where in the Windows 7/PB 9 environment, it's about 1 or 2 seconds between labels.
I have the proper ZPL code structure, and using Notepad, or Word, or Notepad++ directly, the labels print just fine.
...but when I transfer the call to inside a RUN command, it won't print.
For example, I create a file, and in a Windows DOS prompt, I issue this...
notepad /p "lubelabelzpl.txt"
… the formatted label prints just fine.
In PB, I issue Run('notepad /p "lubelabelzpl.txt"') , and it won't print.
same issue, if I try to use the "echo" command...
in the DOS window, I can issue this...
echo "^XA^ILR:SAMPLE.GRF^FS^FO10,20^ASN,36,15^FDLUBE 37052-1 Pill Bottle^FS^FO700,20^ASN,36,15^FD10195631^FS^FO10,80^AFN,36,02^FDLUBRICATION SYS - COIL CONVEYOR^FS^FO10,140^ASN,36,15^FD1434859: #1 CPM EXIT COIL CONVEYOR GB (W/C)^FS^FO10,200^AFN,36,02^FDKENL PROC CMC1 CRS1 EXIT CONV LUBE^FS^FO10,260^ASN,36,15^FD201-220 Gear Oil Analysis^FS^FO10,320^AFN,36,02^FDCompon Hrs:____ Lube Hrs:____ 07/22/2019^FS^FO10,380^ASN,36,01^FDSamp B4 Chg[ ] 1st Samp Aft Chg[ ] Routine Samp[ ]^FS^FO700,80^BY4^B7B,15,0^FD12345678^FS^XZ" >\\HAPS01\ITSOLZEB
… and it prints just fine
I issue it in PBC via the RUN command...and it doesn't print, doesn't even go to the queue.
Any ideas?
Might be obsolete...but it still works for backward compatability….so I'll use it :-)