Seems your PBL file is in really bad condition. I recommend as follows
FIRST, rename broken PBL to "remove" it but keep it around in case you want to try to copy any content from the file.
SECOND, depending on your setup =>
- "Old" style version control
- Delete the .PBG file
- Create new, empty PBL using original PBL name
- Perform Get-Latest for PBL
- New "native" version control
- Create new, empty PBL using original PBL name
- Perform "refresh" for full PBL
- NO version control
- Get copy of PBL from colleague
- NEITHER version control NOR colleagues
- Backup from before PBL broke? => Use it
- Not even backups? =>
- Start with new, empty PBL
- Copy DW objects from PBD (DWs are just strings).
NOW :: COPY your new healthy PBL as "easy access backup" in case next steps break your new PBL file so you need to restore to well-functioning state.
THEN :: IF you have newer edits in your broken PBL that you want to keep THEN you can try to copy them through export/import. Some may be unreachable. If any copied object ruins your new PBL then restore your new "copy backup" and repeat but skip code that broke your new, healthy PBL.
HTH /Michael
I think that in some instances, PBL corruption occurs after a hard PB IDE crash where a "save" operation is underway. Also a PC crash or where the PBL's are on a network drive & the network "hiccups". It's a very, very low probability these things happen. Just bad timing in most cases IMHO.
IMO, if it's related to hard disk issue, then this issue should have happened in every short time. Even though it got repeated in short time gap, a couple of times, in other occasions it happened rarely, say once in a year or so. This corruption happened in a very newer machine too, [ just 2 months old ]. Corruption happened even while working locally too. So it's really tough to judge the reason why this happens, in my experience.