1. Andrew John
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 9 October 2024 18:28 PM UTC

1) My PowerBuilderapplication crashing whenever user leaves it idle for sometime, this started happening after SQL Transaction object DBMS changed from MSS to MS Native Client, what could be the reason?
2) Which is the preferred connecivity for PowerBuilder2022 R3 app connecting to MS SQL Server 2016/2022, is it ODBC or OLEDB?

3) Can we use ODBC DBMS in PowerBuilder transaction object to connect to MS SQL server without creating an ODBC Datasource on each user's machine?


Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 9 October 2024 19:39 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Andrew;

1) This could be because your DB connection is now timing out. I would check with your DBA Team to see what related information might be in the SS logs around this issue.

2) MS's recommendation for SS 2019 & higher releases is the MSOLEDBSQL db client.

3) Yes you can. That is called a DSN-less connection.

The following is for PG but the technique for SS would be similar ...

FYI: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/dsn-less-connection-postgresql-solved


Regards ... Chris

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Arnd Schmidt Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 9 October 2024 19:31 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Here you go.


Afaik Appeon recommends MS OLEDB SQL Server.



  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 9 October 2024 21:04 PM UTC
Correct, and not to be confused with the legacy OLE DB driver. It is the new one that Microsoft has created to replace SQL Server Native Client interface, and on Microsoft website (see #3) it is classified as "recommended": https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/oledb/oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver16
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