Hey Jason,
Technically, no problem. Albeit storing data offsite brings issues like latency, security, access control, and intermittent connectivity failures much more to the table than a local DB server within your physical building.
But even more, going global has legal implications that probably take longer to solve and may even sink your cloud strategy. Example:
- Danish company
- Cloud platform no. 1 offers DB hosted in Netherlands replicated to Ireland (or vice versa).
Cloud platform no. 2 offers DB hosted in Denmark but replicated to US ground.
- Data stored includes personal identification and very sensitive data.
Health records, high-risk sports activity, economic impact of workplace absence, and more.
Before going live, you need to find out how to handle all such data and whatever issues may arise.
TECHINCAL ISSUES => Don't hesitate to raise them in this forum.
LEGAL ISSUES => Seek legal advice, I'm not a lawyer.
HTH /Michael