We are using PB 6.5 version, which uses ntwdblib.dll for DB connection, We are suing SQL server 2008 R2. recently TLS1.0 on the SQL server is disabled. Which result in we are not able to access DB from PB. Everytime when application is try to open the connection. it throw the error, Server not found for (DB server).
However same DB can be access from same system using SSMS or .Net applications.
Kindly assist, how can we overcome with this issue, we are running into a big issue now.
Thanks for your patience with me.
I have tried to connect using Sql Server by selecting client as TCP/IP. However I am getting error, any thoughts.
Connection failed
SQLState: '01000
SQL Server Error: 772
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drive][TCP/IP Sockets]ConectionOpen(SECDoClientHandShake())
Connection Failed
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 18
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SSL Security Error
From PB's SQLCA setup you should remove all settings only relating to your prior DBMS driver.
If your ODBC profile fails, you should check in Microsoft forums, because MS ODBC client to MS SQL Server is MS SQL realm; not PowerBuilder where my core competency lies.
I found this thread searching for keywords in your error description. It may point you in the right direction >>> https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/6e959113-e1a0-4a3f-a13a-27f42c225970/not-able-to-connect-to-sql-server-ssl-security-error?forum=sqldataaccess