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  1. Esteph Esteph
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 22 March 2021 21:35 PM UTC


Testing PB19 RC3 to migrate one of our Webservice (.asmx) from PB12.5

I'm looking for the equivalent for  PBNETRT125_net.msi

But didn't find any runtime on the trial version 

Is there a solution to find the same for PB19RC3 ?




Laurent Lagamme Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 18 May 2021 16:23 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Dears,


Thank you for your previous suggestions.

Facing the same initial issue than Esteph (trying to install .net ws, compiled with PB2019, on IIS):


Sybase.DataWindow.DataWindowServerLoadFailedException: DataWindow Server PBDWM150.DLL or required DLLs (atl71.dll, msvcp71.dll or msvcr71.dll)  not found 


I wanted to be sure that I properly installed the runtime package.

I'm trying to prepare a complete '.net inclusive' msi to install it properly on a IIS currently running fine with services build with PB12.5.Net.

But whatever I could choose as package type (32 - 64 bit, .net or not), on my dev machine,  I'm facing this messagebox : 



PowerBuilder Runtime Packager


Compiling the MSI for PowerBuilder .NET runtime produces an error.


Could you have any idea/suggestion about this issue when preparing the msi ?

The closer reference I found is :

But obviously not reachable anymore...


It's concerning PB2019R3 (

Thks !


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Esteph Esteph Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 March 2021 10:43 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Thank's for the answer 

With the generated MSI, webservice seem works 

But when i tested it, i have an error on

Sybase.DataWindow.DataWindowServerLoadFailedException: DataWindow Server PBDWM150.DLL or required DLLs (atl71.dll, msvcp71.dll or msvcr71.dll)  not found 

All of these DLL (atl71.dll, msvcp71.dll or msvcr71.dll) was on the path, and on the Share folder

PBDWM150.DLL was not found on my PB19RC3,

So i copy PBDWM.DLL i found on C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 19.0\IDE to my Share folder,
and rename this file  PBDWM150.DLL

But still the same Error 

An idea ? 



  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 23 March 2021 16:13 PM UTC
Hi Esteph;

The request to load the "PBDWM150" DLL is very odd. The only time that the "150" numbering was used was in the Sybase PB 15.0 "beta" testing phase. SAP curtailed the v15.0 release and chopped back the features - then re-released that edition as version 12.6. So there should be no PBxxx150 DLLs out there.

There could be an issue with PB 2019 R3 edition though as this is the 1st time that the PB Runtime is now separate from the IDE. So I wonder if that is causing an issue. I have all my SOAP web services running under PB 2019 R2 and have not tried these with R3. I'll have a look at my R3 environment and do a quick test to see if the older WS's will run OK under IIS using the separate PB run-time.

Note: Yes, the R3 release removed all the DLL numbering, so the "PBDWM" DLL name is correct. However, it still sounds like an issue of getting the R3 runtime aligned in the IIS realm. That should be easy though as all you should need is the PB runtime folder in the O/S system path.

I'll post back here soon with my findings.

Regards ... Chris
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  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 23 March 2021 16:58 PM UTC
Hi Esteph;

I was now able to test my SOAP web services under the new PB2019 R3 release - build 2760. My WS's are built using my Web Service Framework and it tracks the WS execution all the way through. The first test I did was to inform the framework that the PB runtime was 2671 - which was deliberate to force the runtime version check error. Here is what I got in the WS's log ...


2021/03/23 12:36:54 - ** The PowerBuilder 'run time' version found was not the one expected! **

2021/03/23 12:36:54 - PowerBuilder version found ......

2021/03/23 12:36:54 - PowerBuilder version expected ...


So that confirmed to me that the IIS SOAP WS had the correct PB run-time (2670). This was of course because the O/S's System Path was set to "c:\program files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime 19.2.2670.

The next test was to change the framework's runtime settings to expect the correct PB R3 runtime of 2670. Here is what the WS's log reported (worked OK) ...


***** STD Foundation Classes - Web Service Logging Started ******

STD Foundation Classes version 2021.1.0.105 was released on 2021-01-12 and is optimized for the WebService environment.

Logging was started based on instantiating interface object class - name: nc_oes_interface

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - START of HTTP Trace

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - Cookie Key: PowerBuilder ... Value: CurrentTheme=xp

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - Cookie Key: PowerBuilder ... Value: CurrentTheme=xp

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - Client Type: InternetExplorer11

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - Client Name: InternetExplorer

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - END of HTTP Trace

2021/03/23 12:42:56 - Validation started for: ConnectString='DSN=PB Demo DB V2019R3;UID=dba;PWD=sql'

2021/03/23 12:42:59 - The DBMS Connect return code was: 0

2021/03/23 12:42:59 - ns_sqlca_sa_master - Rollback on Disconnect performed!

2021/03/23 12:43:00 - Validation return status: 0


So ... AFAIK, the PB 2019 R3 build 2670 should run your updated WS's OK under IIS using R3's "decoupled" runtime. HTH

Regards ... Chris
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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 March 2021 02:24 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

Hi  Esteph;

  The PowerBuilder .NET runtime MSI installer was deprecated and removed at the end of the Sybase/SAP versions of PB. During this phase out, the PB .NET MSI functionality was transferred over to the PB Packager utility. Unfortunately, the PB Packager's PB .NET feature was then then deprecated in PB2017R3.

  The good news though is that the PB .NET runtime is still there - it's just hidden. Here is how you get it back ...

  1. Download the PBPACK.ini file that I attached to this post.
  2. Copy the .INI file to the folder where the PBACK.exe App is located. That should be something like:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 19.0\IDE in the PB2019 R3 release.
  3. Now start the PB Packager utility from its R3 installation short-cut. You should now see a PB .NET third option in the PB Packager utility. Select the .NET option to recreate what is in essence, the old "PBNETRT125_net.msi".
  4. Run the generated MSI to install the missing PB .NET pieces for the old PB 12.x web services to run.


Regards ... Chris

Attachments (1)
  2. Tuesday, 30 March 2021 15:26 PM UTC
GRAT Chris. Dis is what Is need.... thanks!!! :::))))
  1. Helpful
  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 30 March 2021 19:09 PM UTC
Hi Enrico;

That is "awesome" news ... I am super glad that this worked for you! :-)

Regards ... Chris
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