I have several pbl in my project that are associated to separated resource files (.pbr)
I've noticed that the resource icons listed in the pbr failing to be included when i use the autocompiler. Is there a specific command line option that i need to use to include each PBR file?
The pbr resource associated with the main executable is working fine.
i'm using the /r option to include main pbr like this:
/d "s:\start2\start.pbt" /o "s:\start2\start.exe" /r "s:\pb\icone.pbr"
If i run the compilation from the ide everything working fine
any help would be appreciated,
I have created a small vba script that reads the information from target file and project file to build this Orcascript but you may have a static script.
start session
set debug true
scc set connect property localprojpath "."
scc set connect property logfile "orca.log"
scc connect offline
scc set target "yourapp.pbt" importonly
scc refresh target 3pass
build application full
set exeinfo property companyname "..."
set exeinfo property copyright "..."
set exeinfo property productname "..."
set exeinfo property description "..."
set exeinfo property fileversion ""
set exeinfo property fileversionnum "1,0,0,0"
set exeinfo property productversion ""
set exeinfo property productversionnum "1,0,0,0"
build library "your1.pbl" "your_pbr_for_pbl1.pbr" pbd
build library "your2.pbl" "your_pbr_for_pbl2.pbr" pbd
build executable "yourapp.exe" "yourapp.ico" "your_pbr_for_exe.pbr" "yy" newvstylecontrols
scc close
end session
Read the OrcaScript documentation to get information about the parameters! You have to change some parameters (e.g. the "yy")!