Please see information per your inquiries:
1. PB Version/Release/Build?
Appeon PowerBuilder 2022 R3
Appeon PowerBuider CloudPro Edition
IDE: Verson 2022 R3 Build 3356, Build on Ma 28 2024 at 03:11:39
Runtime: Version 2022 R3 Build 3356 Build on March 28, 2024 at 03:11:39
2. Windows Version?
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
3. What OLE server are you connecting to?
We are not using and OLE server.
It is local to my machine.
4. Please clarify: Does ConnectToNewObject work in 64-bit when NOT debugging?
We have an internally created .NET DLL created.
We create the OLE user object and then issue a .ConnectToNewObject and returns a -3 error.
This occurs when running the IDE and using the new feature to run in 64 bit mode to debug an issue.
When we run from an actual build (complied executable), we have no issues
5. Is this new behavior (have you been able to debug this in 64-bit before)? If this worked previously, what has changed?
We have not debugged in PowerBuilder before as it is only in the new version we are looking to migrate to.
Works in 32 bit executable and debugging in IDE, and in 64 bit executable only cannot get 64 bit IDE debugging to work.
6. Have you opened a bug report with Appeon?
Have not opened up a bug report with Appeon as yet. Was looking on line and in this forum to see if there was something previously report.