After I migrated the legacy code (Powerbuild 7) to PB2019 successful, and ran application but I got the error message " Unable to initialize client library context" when I clicked OK button on login window. I did setup the database connection through PowerBuilder 2019, data windows of application shows it can retrieve data from Sybase database. The environment variables was set up (PATH, DSQUERY,SYBASE). Through DSedit interface , ping to database is OK. The database connection code on application like :
SQLCA.dbms = 'SYC SYBASE system 10 CTLIB'
SQLCA.dbparam = "release ='11.0, async=1"
SQLCA.servername = trim (ddlb_server.text)
SQLCA.database = trim (sle_database.text)
SQLCA.login = login
SQLCA.logpass = password_id
However, during full rebuild program, I got only the warning : "Function or event 'xxxxxx ' must be declared before it can compiled ". Do you think this caused a problem ?
Please advice. Thank you.