Hi everyone
I'm going on to my project to use PB and GIT.
This is the situation:
I create my profile in 'https://github.com'
I create a new cartel in my disk
I put inside: workspace, *.pbl and all i need.
I use 'git init'
I push all to my git hub
I go to my WS for put uid and pwd.
Some questions:
1) in github i see my *.PBL and not the single export files
2) i saw that the files is under 'ws_objects' cartel ( in my disk), but i don't saw that cartel in 'github'. Why ?
3) i modify an object. I do a commit from object or library or project, i do a push from the WS (is correct that the push is only on WS ). Nothing appare on github because i have an error in pb message windows ( see after ) why ?
---------- Source Control
Git push
Starting to push workspace...
Git client is pushing workspace. Please wait...
Git client error: Generic error..
Failed to push workspace.
Git push
---------- Done Source Control
some help ?
thy all
After change source code ( ad save) if i check with 'git status' i see that there is a modify.