2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 22 January 2020 19:22 PM UTC


Its all about version control Is there any excel sheet example to manage objects modified in particular development of feature / bug. let say I am working on one bug and to fix the bug I modified few datawindow, structure and window function. 

I tried to create a excel sheet but if you know any better example let me know. Here is the column Struture frequency of my version release is of 1 week.


Major, Minor, Feature, release date, window,, dw, funciton, menu, table, procedure, trigger


I created columns for each object Its help me to migrate beta to stable, Sorry to say but I am still not using GIT for PowerBuilder. 

Olan Knight Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 22 January 2020 20:52 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Here are some fields to consider if you are manually updating a spreadsheet to use as your Verison control:

Ticket #            - the error number or bug number or ticket number
Issue Summary   - brief description
Source              - source of the error: Production, Testing, QA, whatever
Error Version      - the version of the code in which the error was found
Object [n]         - list of the objects to be changed, one at a time
                         In the header of each function/event/whatever, include a CHANGE LOG.
                         Alyays include a Revision line in the header every time you change the code.
                         See the sample header below (they all line up for me since I use Courier New 10 pt)
Description [n]   - A somewhat high-level technical description of the change that was made. Do NOT skimp!
Remarks [n]       - A user-level description of the change made, including "No visual change" if appropriate.
Date Started      - Date work was started on this issue
Date Complete   - Date work was completed on this issue

New Version      - the new version number of the code
Date QA            - Date the code was sent to QA
QA Acceptance  - Date that QA finally accepted the revised code
Date Installer     - The date that the installer was created for the new version of the code
Date Production - The date that the new code was put into production

Later -


* Sample Function header.
// Window        :  w_produce_bill
// Parent        :  uo_progress_produce_bill
// Object        :  u_nv_latepaymentcharges_2
// Function      :  of_compute_lpc()
// Ancestor      :  None
// Access        :  Public
// Arguments     :  reference   gstr_lpc_billing_layout   a_lpc_info
//                  reference   gstr_order                a_order_info
//                  value       long                      al_gl_uid
//                  value       string                    al_fccid
//                  value       str_order_lpc_settings    astr_lpc
// Returns       :  Boolean     TRUE = no error
// Throws        :  None
// Description   :  Determine if the total outstanding charges exceeds
//                  the LPC threshold. If so, call the functions to
//                  calculate the LPC charges to be applied to the
//                  current invoice.
// Revision History
// Developer    Date         Version     Description
// ---------   -----------   ---------   -------------------------------
// O Knight    15-MAR-2019   #2455309/#66036:  Use the LPC settings from the BAN level.
// O Knight    19-OCT-2006               R#205231:  Use the LPC_Threshold to determine
//                                                                  if LPCs are to be applied.
// D Prasad    06-Aug-2004               TD 650:  Added support for local jurisdiction - LC.


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Michael Kramer Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 22 January 2020 21:13 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Prashant,

You will see lots of management tools integration with lots of bug tracking tools and lots of source control systems to provide that kind of overview.

Examples starting with letter A in no particular order. Each integrates with git and other source control systems. They all have hooks that allow you to expand/integrate as you choose.

Azure DevOps prior Visual Studio Team Services
You can link releases, stories, bugs, tasks, tests, test results, and integration with source control (built-in git + TFVC). Excellent tools to integrate onto Kanban Boards  and others.

Smaller company than Microsoft but similar proposition: planning, overview, and integration with source control.

JIRA port folio, SourceTree, and integration with multiple source control systems.

Each product has its fair share of fans and lots of videos on YouTube from both vendors and practitioners.

You should surf around and look for experience + pricing options +  availability in your geo/jurisdiction.

HTH /Michael

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