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  1. Richard Shakour
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. Thursday, 7 December 2017 14:15 PM UTC

I am wondering how best to identify a device so we can store the user's ID and Password (not using .ini) and retrieve that info when they log in using the Device ID.
i.e. When the user launches the app it connects to a DB, then pulls the device ID from the mobile device and uses it to retrieve the store User ID and Password from the DB based on the device ID.  Should work well...but:

1. Is the device ID unique to all devices (i.e. Apple IPhone, IPad and Android/Samsung) or is it only unique by manufacturer?

2. If it is not unique, can one use the device name combined with the device id.

I was also reading that the Apple store does not any longer accept App's that access the UDID.  Does the of_GetDeviceID function access this ID?

Here's what I found on the Web about the UDID.

'UDID (aka Universal Device ID) – this was the old unique identifier for iOS. It is no longer used and has been replaced with the iOS IDFA ID. Apple no longer accepts apps in their store that access this identifier'

Thank you,


Richard Shakour

Govinda Lopez @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 7 December 2017 16:32 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Richard,

The device ID is dependent on the device manufacturer, product type, and operating system. It is a unique identifier. So you wouldn't find two alike.

An example use of the of_getdeviceid() function is to allow the application to run on specific mobile devices that are authorized. In this way, if unauthorized users install the app on their own mobile device and somehow steals a valid username/password they still will not be able to run the app or your data.

So far, Appeon PowerServer can still access the UDID from an android and iOS device using this function. So, I would say that your approach is ok.


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