Hi All!
I'm trying to get running SalesDemo_Cloud project.
[Build & Deploy PowerServer Project] says "The installable cloud app is published successfully".
[Run PowerServer Project] gives me black screen with four green "Info": and white messages.
Is there any way to get client running from IDE?
Not better
The last section - Running the installable cloud application/Step 1:
i have access to https://www.nuget.org/ but should i download NuGet packages manually?
The second place where i see any difference or got some doubts - black screen after running PowerServer Project
For me it looks different and stops after fourth line. Is it correct or something is missing ?:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: C:\Users\stepana\source\repos\PowerServer_salesdemo\ServerAPIs
QuickStaret says - IIS should have installed .NET 3.5 and 4.7
i have just .NET 3.5 and 4.8 but not 4.7
is it an issue ?